Venus Flytrap Facts For Kids Interesting Facts About The Venus Fly Trap

venus flytrap facts for kids

The Venus Flytrap is truly an amazing plant. They are actually carnivorous, meaning they eat living things. Nature never fails to absolutely baffle me, and show me something even more amazing every day. The Venus Flytrap is no exceptions. These are another one of natures incredible inventions, that will show you just how crafty and brilliant mother nature is. Today I wanted to share with you some fun and amazing Venus flytrap facts for kids.

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Also, if you have any interest in growing your own venus fly trap. Check out the Ultimate Venus Fly Trap Care Guide below!

Ultimate Venus Fly Trap Care Guide

Venus Flytrap Facts For Kids

I wanted to go over some quick facts before we started on the super interesting stuff. This stuff is important too though, and you want to read as much as you can to make sure you fully understand these delicate yet aggressive plants.

Venus Flytrap Fast Facts
Scientific Name – Dionaea muscipula
Rank- Species
Diet- Carnivore
Average Life Span In Wild – 25 Years
Size – Plant – 4-12 inches – Trap – Up To 2 Inches Long
Typical Size Compared To A Human venus flytrap facts for kids size

facts about the venus flytrap

Quick And Amazing Facts About The Venus Flytrap

♦ Venus Flytraps are native to North America and are actually not tropical plants. The only place in the world the Venus Flytrap grows wild is on the South and North Carolina shores.

♦ Even though they are carnivorous, the Venus flytrap does not eat any kind of meat.

♦ They can catch and completely digest insects. Small frogs can even fall victim to the Venus flytrap, but only when they are really hungry. venus flytrap facts for kids eating bee

♦ The trap portion of the plant (part that catches the bug) is only good for up to 6 catches, after that it turns brown, withers and falls off.

♦ The Venus flytrap typically grows in soils that have really bad nutrients available for them to utilize. This is why they capture and digest insects. They are able to obtain their nutrients from these insects, since their soil does not provide them.

♦ On each lobe you will find 6 trigger hairs. These are used to sense and capture insects.

♦ The trigger hairs must be stimulated twice before the Venus flytrap will respond and capture the insect.

♦ After a Venus flytrap captures an insect it takes approximately 10 days for it to completely digest the insect and reopen the trap.

♦ All seeds that are used to grow the Venus Flytrap are different. When grown from seeds, no two plants are genetically the same.

♦ The Earth’s tides are largely caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon.

Venus Flytrap Facts For Kids

How To Grow You’re Own Venus Flytrap

venus flytrap facts for kids growing a venus flytrap

You typically can’t find them in retail stores, so you must purchase one from somewhere like Amazon.

Click Here To See Venus FlyTraps For Sale On Amazon

That plant comes with a complete care guide, and planter. So, it’s a complete Venus Flytrap set up!

Venus Flytrap Facts For Kids

Caring For Your Venus Flytrap

  • Venus Flytraps need up to 14 hours of sunlight everyday.
  • They go dormant for 5 months every year. It’s typically from Halloween to Valentines day every year.
  • Venus Flytraps need soil that is well drained.
  • If you add fertilizer to a Venus flytrap it will actually die. They need soil that has poor nutrient contents.
  • The chemicals in tap water will kill your Venus flytrap. You must use distilled water or capture rain water.
  • Never put covers on your Venus flytrap. Some retailers sell them with domes or plastic covers, this is actually not good for your plant. Remove the cover or dome immediately.

This list is not all inclusive. The link above you can get a Venus Flytrap set up for only $10 and you get a detailed care guide. If you treat these plants right, they will hang around your home for a long time!

Video With Venus Fly Trap Facts For Kids!

Check out this great video that has lot’s of cool venus fly trap catching their prey!

Final Thoughts

venus flytrap facts for kids eating spider

I hope that you enjoyed all that information about the Venus flytrap. They are such fascinating plants, I loved learning about them as well. Thank you for stopping by cool facts for kids, please feel free to check out some of our other fun and interesting facts for kids series!


  1. i think venus is cool

  2. using this for school T.T

  3. Using for homework LOL!!!

  4. matthew and anthony

    were doing this on a project

  5. I think it is really good for project.

  6. good info great website?!

  7. Awesome info!!
    Using for school!

  8. Cool today I am going to get a Venus fly/bee trap!

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