Stonehenge Facts For Kids Interesting Facts About Stonehenge For Kids

stonehenge facts for kids

Stonehenge Facts For Kids

Interesting Facts About Stonehenge For Kids

Stonehenge is one of the great mysteries of our time. Although it seems we are finding new clues about these incredible man made rock formations all the time, they are still shrouded in a lot of mystery. I’m happy to bring you Stonehenge facts for kids today, there are not a lot of facts but I will bring you all we know so far. I hope you enjoy these interesting facts about Stonehenge for kids.


Very little of what we think we know about Stonehenge is actual fact. Most is theory, so the title of the article is a little misleading. There are some facts here, but most of the “facts” are theories and ideas of what may have occurred with Stonehenge. I just want to be clear on that before we begin! Now let’s get going!!!

When it comes down to it, we really don’t know a lot about Stonehenge. Many of the things we think we know are best guesses and theories. There are not many things we see these days that create so much mystery, but Stonehenge continues to baffle scientists around the world. Maybe some of the Stonehenge facts for kids will shed some light!

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Stonehenge Facts For Kids

Stonehenge Question And Answer

Here is a quick Stonehenge question and answer. This will shed some interesting facts about Stonehenge for kids, and maybe answer some popular questions.

When was Stonehenge Built?

Stonehenge was believed to be built over a long period of time by many different tribes of people. It was constructed between 3100 B.C. to 1600 B.C. That is over 5000 years ago! That was during the stone age and even before the wheel was thought to be invented. Scientists have carbon dated animals that are buried in the area to determine the age of the stones.

Where is Stonehenge?

It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is about 2 miles west of Amesbury and 8 miles north of Salisbury.

where is stonehedge stonehedge on map

Who Made Stonehenge?

Considering the length of time it took to build Stonehenge this is no easy question to answer. It is thought that Stonehenge was crafted by 3 different types of people.

The first group were referred to as the Windmill Hill people. They were named after their earthworks on Windmill Hill near Stonehenge.  They originated in Eastern England, they had a strong understanding of symmetry and circles. They were one of the first hunting and gathering groups that were able to maintain an agricultural economy.

The second group were the Beaker people. They are thought to have came from Spain colonizing northwest Europe. Their named derived from their burial customs, they always buried with breakers or pottery drinking cups.  It is also assumed they were more of a war like people. They buried their dead with all kinds of weapons. They were also one of the first known people to bury their deceased in single graves instead of mass graves.

The third are the Wessex people. They would have arrived around 1500 B.C. at the top of the bronze age. The Wessex were a very advanced people for their time. They showed great skill in creating and organizing road systems. Since they were so good at making routes, it is believed that they were well organized traders and controlled trade routes in southern England. They are credited with the bronze dagger carving found on one of the large stones at Stonehenge.

pictures of stonehenge

Stonehenge Facts For Kids Video

Interesting Video About Stonehenge For Kids

If you would rather just watch a video, I have that too. I made this one, for people who would rather watch a video than just read down the page. Keep in mind there are a few more facts below that aren’t on the video. Check it out!!

Interesting Facts About Stonehenge For Kids

Stonehenge Facts For Kids

Now that you know some basic Stonehenge facts for kids, let’s get into the more fun and interesting facts!


Interesting And Fun Stonehenge Facts For Kids


♦ Stonehenge seems to be the center of many Bronze Age and Neolithic monuments. You can find hundreds of burial mounds in the area that surrounds Stonehenge.interesting facts about stonehenge for kids

♦ Stonehenge itself is managed by English heritage and is owned by the crown. The land surrounding Stonehenge is owned by the National Trust.

♦ In 2008 evidence was uncovered that Stonehenge may have been a burial site well before Stonehenge itself was constructed.

♦ There is more than meets the eye with Stonehenge. The designers and builders had to be extremely sophisticated in geometry and mathematics. It is aligned with midwinter sunset and the midsummer sunset. It was also aligned with the most northerly setting and the most southerly rising of the moon.

♦ One of the stone types used to construct Stonehenge is called a Sarsen Stone. Theses stones weighed 25 tons and were about 18 feet tall.

♦ They also used what are called blue stones. These stones are volcanic and pretty unique. The unique qualities of these stones prove that they were imported from a site that was about 240 miles away. This is the closes place to Stonehenge you can find these types of stones.

♦ It is estimated that it too around 30 million hours of labor over a span of 1500 years to construct Stonehenge.

♦ Stonehenge is the most well known of the over 900 different stone rings in the British Isles.

♦ Some would argue that Stonehenge was built as an astronomical observatory, others would argue that it was built as a place to have ritual actives.

♦ There are some people that believe that Aliens are the only good explanation for how Stonehenge was built. They are sometimes in the same discussion as crop circles.

♦ It’s a little difficult to come to a definite conclusion about Stonehenge. It is believed that over half of the stones are missing and many have fallen over. Below is what it may have looked like when complete.

how stonehenge would have looked

♦ Many believe that the tall stones are grave markers.

♦ Some people also believe that Stonehenge was constructed to act as a giant clock.

♦ You used to be able to get into Stonehenge and touch it, but it’s roped off now.

♦ Here is a photo that depicts the way some believe that Stonehenge was built. Not a quick or very efficient process. But they worked with what they had!

how stonehenge was built theory

♦ George Villiers, who was the 1st Duke of Buckingham decided to dig a large hole in the center of Stonehenge looking for fabled buried treasure. He did this in 1620.

♦ Stonehenge is very popular, it get’s more than 800,000 visitors a year.

♦ Stonehenge has gone through several restorations. Some of it’s boulders have been set in concrete to preserve them and prevent collapse.

Stonehenge Facts For Kids

Awesome Stonehenge Stuff For Kids And Adults

From board games to books, here are some cool Stonehenge merchandise!

Stonehenge Facts For Kids

Interesting Facts About Stonehenge For Kids

Important Travel Information About Stonehenge

If you are considering paying Stonehenge a visit, which I strongly recommend you do, here is the official site to book it. Stonehenge now does require you to book your visit in advance. There is other very important information on this page as well.

Take A Trip To Stonehenge! Click here!

Facts About Stonehenge For Kids

Interesting Stonehenge Facts For Kids Conclusion

stonehenge photos

I’m so happy that you came to our site today to learn some Stonehenge Facts For Kids. I must apologize that so many of the so called facts are actually more like theories and ideas. Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery, and it’s likely that everything we eventually know about it will always be a best guess. Either way, I’m very happy that you are thirsting for knowledge about such an amazing feat in human history. No matter how you look at it, the construction of Stonehenge was an amazing accomplishment, and I think it’s important that we try to give credit where credit is due.

We have some articles on some other very well known man made structures. Of course, we know a lot more about these than Stonehenge, but it’s still very interesting to learn about them! Click either one below!

Mount Rushmore Facts For Kids

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Stonehenge Facts For Kids






  1. this is cool dude!

  2. Thank you so much this has helped with my home work

  3. Thanks for this 🙂 Just one remark: the proper name is “the Beaker people” (not Breaker). Look here:


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