Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table For Kids Review , Unboxing and Assembly
Hello! Thanks for stopping by! Today I am going to talk about the Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Set Review, Unboxing and Assembly. The nice part is if you feel like reading, great I got you covered. But, if you feel more like watching a video, I have you covered there as well. Just check out the video below to see the Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Review, Unboxing and Assembly. I talk about what comes in the box, how long it takes to make it and how it holds up once completed. This is a pretty cool train table for kids and I think you will enjoy the video! If not, check out the written review below!
Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Review, Unboxing and Assembly Video
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Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Unboxing
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In the box, you get the pieces to make the table, the one tool you need to assemble the table and all the fun toys that you can play with on the table. The box contains an entire track

The train coming through waterfall mountain!
that takes up most of the table. The tool you get is a hex key that fits all the screws you use for putting the table together. The toys it comes with are pretty neat. There are signs, some that are stop some that are animal crossing and many others. You get little buildings including a gas station, fire station, air port control tower and even a construction site. There are some other buildings too, but this was just to name a couple.
You will also receive little wooden people and trees to place all over the play surface. The first time I set it up, I just used the box as my guide. But since my son has played with it, he has decided that he likes everything else in different spots. Which is perfectly fine! As a matter of fact that’s what a train table like this is for.
Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Assembly
The assembly was actually pretty straight forward. The table itself is constructed with a few screws and a hex key to screw them in. You place special nuts in pre drilled holes then place the screws in the other hold and simply screw them in. This would make a lot more sense if you watched the video above, it sounds complicated but it’s not, it’s very simple.
Once you assemble the base, which is only about 8 total pieces, you lay in the play surface. The play surface just slides right on the top of the frame you just built. No screws or anything to hold it in place, which turned out to be a very good thing. Ill tell you why…
The Kidkraft train table turned out to be way too big to get out the door. I realized that I was going to have to remove all the toys I just added to the table top in order to turn it sideways to get through the door. Then it hit me, I could easy just disconnect the track down the middle of the table (where

The crane is cool, you can actually use the pully to lift and lower equipment.
the 2 slabs of playing surface meet) and just pick those up one at a time and move them out under the tree. This made it much easier to move from room to room, rather than taking down the entire track and removing all the toys. It ended up being about 34 inches wide, my door was only about 31, not even close.
Assembling the train table toys themselves was actually harder and more time consuming than the table frame itself. This part of the process was a little frustrating. It seems there must be an
easier way to set these little toys up rather than having us place 8-10 tiny screws in them. The little bridge was just plastic but it required 4 screws on each side to hold it to it’s track. Definitely a little overkill, 2 on each side would have been plenty.
Also, this does not come with a Phillips screw driver, you will need to have one to assemble the little toys. I ended up spending more time assembling the track and putting the little toys together than the actual table base. They are very well made however, and in the long run it’s probably a good thing.
Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table For Kids Review and Impressions
Overall, the Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain train table is a very good set. The quality of the build was great and it came with all the pieces I needed. It’s pretty sturdy and after seeing my 2.5 year old beat the snot out of it, I’m very happy with the quality. It hasn’t even really budged. Even the little wood pieces hold up well when he attacks them with his army man and attack helicopters. Ya, I know, what can I say? He has an 8 year old brother. This is how he plays…
The table itself sits up about 2 feet off the floor. It came with three red toy totes that slide nicely under the table. They actually sit off the floor and rest on the cross beams under the table suspended. Which I thought was kind of neat.
The attention to detail is pretty good here too. The little buildings, people and other wood/plastic pieces bring it to life. The waterfall feature is pretty cool. It creates a little tunnel and has a large waterfall mountain that the train or other vehicles can pass under. The train as well as the police car, ambulance and fire engine all ride on the track as well.
It’s very busy when all the pieces are on the table, and get’s even more crowded when your child invites others to play. Let’s see, my son has had…. Little Ponies, Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Army Men, Helicopters and other various trains and cars. They will love playing with all their toys on these train tables for kids.
One gripe I do have about the track for the train itself is that the track pieces do not fit together tight. They are pretty loose, and when my child is playing with it, they come apart rather easily. You can’t just pull them straight apart, but the don’t fit very tightly making them jostle apart easily. A 5 year old might be alright, but my 2.5 year old pulls them apart pretty easy and has a hard time getting them back together.
From top to bottom, this is definitely a must buy if your in the market for a train table for your child. They will love it and you can find this one at a pretty affordable price, usually between $100 and $140 depending on if it’s on sale or not. The lowest place we found it was on Amazon, you can click the link below to see reviews and a detailed description. It has a solid 4.2 star rating out of 473 reviews at the time this was written.
Click Here To See the Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Set
Hope you enjoyed! Thank you and have an awesome day!!
Kidkraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table For Kids Review , Unboxing and Assembly