Eiffel Tower Facts For Kids – Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower

eiffel tower facts for kids

Eiffel Tower Facts For Kids

Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower

I think today is a great day to give to you some fun Eiffel Tower facts for kids! It’s an amazing structure that draws many people every year. It’s currently the tallest structure in Paris, and is one of the worlds most recognizable land marks. It has a brilliant history that we will definitely be going over a little bit today. It was originally used as the entry arch way into the 1889 Worlds Fair, and has been standing there ever sense. I’m so excited to bring to you these amazing and fun facts about the Eiffel Tower today. Let’s get started with some Q and A!

Eiffel Tower Facts For kids

Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower

Before we get into the interesting Eiffel Tower facts for kids, let’s get some of the basic questions answered. Check out the quick Q and A below designed just for the Eiffel Tower!

Where is the Eiffel Tower located?

The Eiffel Tower was originally built to be the entry way to the Worlds Fair in Paris, France. It’s the tallest most recognizable structure in all of Paris. Check out the map below to see where Paris, France is in Europe. Go ahead and click to make it larger.

The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France. It is indicated with the red arrow.

The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France. It is indicated with the red arrow.

 When was the Eiffel Tower Built?

Construction began in 1887 and end up taking 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to complete. It was finished in 1889 and this was  the year it was inaugurated.

How tall is the Eiffel Tower?

Maybe this question should be phrased, how big is it? Well, the Eiffel tower is 1,063 feet tall (324 meters) with it’s antenna. Without the antenna it’s 984 feet (300 meters) tall. Until 1930 when the  Chrysler Building was built, it was the tallest man made structure. The Eiffel Tower ways over 10,000 tons!

Why was the Eiffel Tower built?

It was designed to be the center piece and entry arch way of the 1889 World Fair. It was only designed to last around 20 years, but is still going strong today!

facts about the eiffel tower for kids

Interesting Facts About The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower Facts For Kids

I think this is probably the part of the article you were really waiting for, I’m going to share with you some really amazing and interesting Eiffel Tower facts for kids. Prepare to be blown away!

The Eiffel Tower Facts For Kids

♦ It’s nickname is the Grand Old Iron Lady of Paris.

♦ The Eiffel Tower celebrated it’s 125th birthday in April 2014.

♦ It is visited by over 7 million people each year, and is the most visited paid monument in the world.eiffel tower being built

♦ Over 300 artists protested that the Eiffel Tower not be built. They claimed it was ridiculous and tried to get the construction to end. Paris ignored these protestors, thankfully.

♦ It took 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to build, construction began in 1887 and finished in 1889.

♦ Back in the 1880’s it ended up costing 7,799,401.31 in French Gold Francs.

♦ When the sun comes out the Eiffel Tower grows because of the expansion of metal. It can grow and shrink up to 6 inches.

♦ It was originally planned to only let the Eiffel Tower stand for 20 years. It was built to help commemorate the French Revolution and to show off how powerful  Frances industrial might was. The tower doubled as a wireless telegraph transmitter, this is what ended up saving it from the wrecking ball.

♦ One elevator on the Eiffel Tower travels around 64,000 miles or 103,000 kilometers each year. Just to put that into perspective for you, that’s two and a half times around our planet.

♦ There are 1,710 stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but visitors can’t travel all of them. They are only permitted to travel to the first floor.

♦ The Eiffel Tower has endured being repainted 18 times since it’s inauguration. It takes 60 tons of paint just for one coat.

♦ The Eiffel Tower laid claim to the worlds tallest man made structure for 41 years. The Chrysler Building being built in 1930 ruined it for the Eiffel Tower.

♦ Over 250 million people have paid to see the Eiffel Tower.

♦ Adolph Hitler demanded that the Eiffel Tower be torn down in 1944. The then Germany Military governor of France refused to tear it down.

♦ When you are the top of the Eiffel Tower you might notice that it moves some with the wind. It can actually move up to 6 meters with the wind blowing.

♦ Las Vegas has an amazingly accurate replica of the Eiffel Tower that is the center piece for the Paris hotel.

♦ Gustave Eiffel was in charge of building the Eiffel Tower.

♦ It is made mostly of Iron.painting the eiffel tower facts for kids

♦ Originally the Eiffel Tower was pitched to be built in Barcelona Spain, but they rejected the concept.

♦ The inventor of the Eiffel Tower was named Franz Reichelt. His story is tragic, he died jumping off the Eiffel Tower while testing a parachute of his own design.

♦ The Eiffel Tower has 20,000 light bulbs on it to light it up at night.

♦ It was made up of 18,038 different pieces and is held together by 2,500,000 rivets, that’s 2.5 million!

The Eiffel Tower Facts For Kids

Check out some really cool Eiffel Tower merchandise!

Amazing Eiffel Tower Facts

Video On Eiffel Tower History

Check out this great video that goes over some of the history of the Eiffel Tower, it’s really worth a watch. It has some great information plus you get to see some old photos of it being built!

[iframe: src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/dRnUlBhNirQ” frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”315″ scrolling=”no”]

Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower Facts Conclusion

Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to learn some amazing facts about the Eiffel Tower. It’s truly one of the wonders of our man made world. Especially for being built such a long time ago and being able to stand still to this day. It has a very rich history and is a part of our history as humans. It’s important to understand how and why this amazing structure was built.

Why stop here? We have some other amazing pages that talk about other man made and natural structures. We also have many other categories for you to check out. You can see those categories to your right, or you can navigate by using the menu at the top, I hope you enjoy! Check out a few that I linked for you below.

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Eiffel Tower Facts For Kids

One Comment

  1. tis site is a really good site to use for research.- KT

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