Wow, a 3 year old already. I bet those three years just flew by. They are starting to talk more, they are becoming more social and you need help with finding the best car toy for a 3 year old boy. I have a 5 year old that was also a car toy lover.
Every year for his birthday or Christmas there had to be some car toys. Whether it was a ride on car, remote control car or just fun match box style car toys, they were always around. I’m here today to help you pick out the best car toys for 3 year olds!
I have done countless hours of research, looking into the best car toy for a 3 year old boy in 2020. You always want to find that perfect gift that will entertain and put that huge smile on their face, I’m hoping that I can help you out and find some of the best car toys for kids around!
Best Car Toy For A 3 Year Old Boy 2020
I’m going to talk about a couple different categories of car toys for 3 year olds today. A “car toy” can cover a pretty wide spectrum of different toy types so to keep things organized I have sorted my list into a few different categories, see them below.
- Self Propelled Ride on Toys For a 3 Year Old Boy
- Battery Powered Ride On Car Toys For a 3 Year Olds
- Remote Control Car For a 3 Year Old Boy
- Push Car Toys For A 3 Year Old Boy (Hot Wheels Type Toys)
I think this will help keep us organized and maybe help you jump to the area with a car toy for a 3 year old boy that you really want to be at. Please take a look at table of contents below. If you are ready to jump to a certain section, just click and it will take you right there!
Best Car Toys For Kids From Each Category
Before we jump into the actual full list of the best car toys for a 3 year old boy in 2020, I wanted to real quick show you all our top picks from each category. We take many things into consideration when choosing the best toys for your child. We look at the following.
- Safety
- Is it suitable for your child’s age range?
- Does it promote creativity?
- Will it promote physical activity?
- Does it encourage learning?
I’m going to go in more depth on this after I give you the best car toys for a 3 year olds. If you want to learn more about them now, go to the table of contents and look for “Considerations For Recommending Car Toys For 3 Year Olds”

Our #1 Pick
Self Propelled Ride On Toys For Kids
The Schwinn Roadster Kids Tricycle is our number one pick for not electric ride on toys for a 3 year old boy. We will dig deeper into this one below, but you can click below to see price, reviews and a video on Amazon! Upgrade your 3 year old boys Tricycle with this well made big boy Trike!

Our #1 Pick
Battery Powered Ride On Car Toys For a 3 Year Olds
The Best Choice Products 12V Ride On Truck with remote control is our top pick for battery powered ride on car toys. Not only is this built well but the remote control option helps keep it safe. With 3 speeds it also grows with your child. See it on Amazon below!

Our #1 Pick
Remote Control Car For a 3 Year Old Boy
Not only is this a Remote Control car toy, it can also be taken apart and put back together with a low power drill. This is a great STEM toy that not only is a ton of fun to play with but helps your 3 year old learn by putting it together and taking it a part. The sanitation truck is not the only option, there are many other vehicles to pick from! You can see more about it below, on Amazon!

Our #1 Pick
Self Push Car Toy
These Friction Powered Push and go car toys are best car toys for kids. When you push them they use friction to keep going. They work really well and make for some super fun car play time. It’s fun to sit on the floor and push these back and forth or make a target to crash them into. We combined this with my sons bowling set, we played car bowling all the time! See more on Amazon below!
Best Car Toys For 3 Year Old Boy
Now that you have seen out top picks for the best car toy for a 3 year old boy, lets go over the toys in more depth on the lists below. Keep in mind I have put all of these car toys in different categories, if you are looking for a different category, just scroll down or go up and find the table of contents.
Self Propelled Ride On Toys For Kids
The reason we really like self propelled car toys is that it promotes a lot of physical activity and prepares the child to one day ride a bicycle. Anything that can get my child to want to get outside and play is a winner in my book.
We have chosen our favorite self propelled ride on toys for a 3 year old below. I have owned most of these at some point with my children but also did some extensive research to also find the best self propelled ride on toys for you! I hope this saved you a little time, lets get started!

Our #1 Pick
Schwinn Roadster Kids Tricycle
What We Like
The Schwinn Roadster Kids Tricycle is fantastic. It comes in several different colors and looks really cool. If your child has been riding a plastic tricycle this will be a huge upgrade. This tricycle has a lower center of gravity which allows the child to go a little faster. It’s made from actual metal and has rubber tires.
The weight and lower center of balance allows kids to go faster without the concern of tipping over. The price is completely fair for the quality of trike you are getting. I really like the metal retro look with the bell and streamers. You will be able to go faster and turn sharper with this great self propelled car toy for a toddler, or even a girl for that matter!
The adjustable seat allows you to make it bigger or smaller to help it grow with your child. This is a great features as the older they get the faster they will want to go on this trike. You can read all the reviews by clicking below.
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Be cautions if your have a very small 3 year old boy or toddler younger than 3 this might not be the best choice. This really is an upgrade from a higher center of gravity trike or a plastic one. They should have a little bit of riding experience before hopping on this bad boy.
There were a few complaints of wobbly tires and squeaky wheels. These seemed to be one off type situations as this was not my experience with the Trike at all.

Our #2 Pick
The Original PlasmaCar By PlaSmart
What We Like
The main thing is no batteries, no pedals and not a ton of moving parts. This means it’s much less likely to get broken. This little car can get going up to 6 MPH and is a ton of fun to ride. Even for adults as this supports up to 220 pounds!
The inventive way this uses friction can be a little tricky to figure out for a 3 year old boy or toddler, but once they do, it’s a ton of fun. It keeps them active, keeps them outside and teaches them a little problem solving while learning the correct motions.
Assembly is pretty simple and you will have them off and going in no time. This is just another way to help get your 3 year old boy outside and playing with friends! Check it out below on Amazon.
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The biggest complaint is that it doesn’t work well on all surfaces. The best surface will be a smoother concrete like in a drive way, sidewalk or street. It doesn’t work well on smooth hardwood floors and will have problems getting friction and traction. It’s best used on the concrete where it can get a grip and use the friction to go.
Other than that, there isn’t too much to not like. A few people seemed to have issues with it coming with missing pieces but that seemed like more of an anomaly. We have always had great experiences with PlasmaCars.

Our #3 Pick
Strider Balance Bike
What We Like
Okay, it’s not a “car toy” so to speak but it is a ride on. It’s also one of the best ways to teach a 3 year old boy how to ride their bike. We taught all of our children how to ride their bikes by removing their pedals and teaching them to balance and scoot first. The Strider Balance Bike does that without the annoying pedals sticking out.
The Strider Balance Bike is a perfect ride on, it promotes physical activity while also teaching your child how to ride their bike. This, is in my opinion, the best way to teach a young child how to ride a bike. I have even seen local classes in my town popping up that offer lessons and a Strider Bike.
The seat height can be raised from 11 inches to 16 inches so this is adjustable and grows with your child. Another thing I really like is that they hold a lot of value. If you teach your child to ride their bike and want to get them a pedal bike, these resell for almost full price. They are well made and will hold up under abuse. Check out the price and some more photos below on Amazon!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The main thing I don’t like about the Strider is that it doesn’t have any brakes. So you have to be careful going down hills especially when they are just starting out. If they bring their legs up and balance going down a hill, they might be in trouble if the hill goes on for too long.
Other than that, I haven’t seen much negative about the Strider Balance Bikes.

Our #4 Pick
Step2 Up & Down Roller Coaster
What We Like
I mostly like this one because it’s just super cool. There is a little more risk involved with it and will require the parent to be around at first but once the child gets the hang of it, they will play on this for hours.
The ride on car itself is pretty light so it’s easy for the 3 year old boy to push it back up to the top where they can climb the sturdy stairs to hop on and ride down again. The best part about this ride on is that they can keep going down forever, giving them hours of fun without actually needing to go anywhere!
This promotes physical activity and helps development by teaching them to push it back into place and going down again. The ramp is neat because it can also be used for other toy cars they might have when they aren’t riding down it. They can roll balls or push hot wheels down the ramp so it doubles as a fun toy to play with!
It holds up to 50 pounds so most 3 year old boys and toddlers should be good to go! It’s super easy to snap together and will be out of the box and being played with in minutes. The tracks are non slip and the track is specially designed to hold the car in place for safety. The car itself also has a place to put feet and handrail for additional safety. To see a video, price and user reviews click the link below!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
I think my least favorite thing is how much room it takes up. It might be hard to find a place inside to put it and even outside it can kill a large patch of grass if not moved around. It is easy to take a part so it can be taken down and set up each time its used but this can be a little inconvenient.
I can see safety also being a small issue. It would be important for parents to be around the child until they are really comfortable using this. I would also suggest a helmet and knee/elbow pads for additional safety, just in case of a fall.

Our #5 Pick
Ambosstoys Scooters
What We Like
These are super classy and look amazing. They are also one of the best made scooters for kids on the market. They ride really well and you can just tell that they are well made. The Ambosstoys scooters are very fashionable and are great for showing off to family and friends.
They do a great job of promoting physical activity as they are complete self propelled and do not have any moving pedals. Which can be nice!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Mostly just the price, they are significantly more expensive than most scooter type toys. You’re really paying for the style and how well they are made. They do approach the price of a battery operatated ride on however and can be a bit of a hit to your pocket book.
If price doesn’t really matter then this will surely be a great scooter for your 3 year old boy or girl!
Best Battery Powered Ride On Toys
Let’s continue on with the best ride on car toys for a 3 year old boy by looking at battery powered ride on cars. These don’t promote quite as much physical activity but it really teaches kids about being safe. How to manage a moving vehicle and to pay attention to their surroundings.
Also, most of the time these are being played with outside. If you’re like me, you don’t mind your 3 year old boy playing outside, even if it’s on a battery powered rid on car.
I remember when I was a child my biggest dream was to have the Big Foot monster truck ride on vehicle. This never happened, so I vowed that I would make sure every one of my children were able to play on a battery powered ride on car. Let’s take a look!

Our #1 Pick
Best Choice Products 12V Ride On Truck
What We Like
The Best Choice Products 12V ride on car is one of the better and more affordable battery powered ride on vehicles for a 3 year old boy. You will get a lot of bang for your buck with this nice looking Jeep style ride on car.
First off, this thing really looks cool. It’s a realistic looking jeep and your 3 year old boy will just love riding in this awesome looking ride on car. It comes in black, blue, green red and white. There should be enough colors there to please most 3 year old boys.
A really cool feature is the remote control. If you child is 3 there is a good chance this will be their first battery powered ride on, having a remote that you can control helps you feel a lot more comfortable with them riding around.
It also has 3 speeds so your child can grow into the vehicle. It always makes a parent feel better when you can start them off with a slow speed and let them work their way up. There is also an MP3 Aux cord so if you child has a device they can plug in, they can jam out!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The consensus seems to be that this vehicle doesn’t run super great on grass. It can definitely work if the grass surface is even but it doesn’t do great climbing grassy hills. This is due to the plastic tires. I did see some people talking about replacing them with rubber wheels to eliminate that problem. But the plastic wheels should be considered.
Some people have also had issues with the customer service of the company. I did see a lot of people offering simple resolutions for some of the things people were unhappy about however. Some thought the Jeep didn’t work but it turns out they just didn’t connect the battery under the hood, things like that.
Overall, there are a couple flaws as with anything else, but we give this a super strong recommendation!

Our #2 Pick
Peg Perego Polaris RZR 900 – 12V
What We Like
This is actually the one we bought for my youngest. I think the model was a little older and it was red, but basically the same thing. You can see my unboxing, review and assembly below! And yes, that is my 3 year old and 9 year old!
Peg Perego RZR 900 Ride On 12V Unboxing, Assembly & Review
At the time, the Peg Perego was the best one on the market. It has 2 speeds so you can change how fast it goes but doesn’t have the remote control like our #1 pick.
The wheels are plastic but have really good traction for better performance in the grass. It also has a working horn and seat belts, which is pretty nice. It’s a little larger than most 12V ride on’s, my then 9 year old often rode it with my 3 year old boy. The seats are also adjustable so it grows with your child.
The charge can last for up to 2 hours although the last half hour is a little sluggish. I also really like that these are made in the USA. Check out more below on Amazon!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The assembly was a bit of a task, you can see more of that in the video above. The price is also a little steep, but in the end I think it’s worth it. The battery life seems a little better and it’s a much larger ride on that goes a little faster, so you really get what you pay for here. If speed isn’t an issue, I’d go with a cheaper option like the one above.
Putting the decals on were a little difficult as there were too many, it was kind of confusing figuring out where they all went. As a matter of fact, to this day I’m still not sure if they are right? The nice thing is, my boys really didn’t care.

Our #3 Pick
Mercedes CLA45 12V Ride On Car
What We Like
Just look at that thing, what’s not to like? This is one of the more stylish ride on car toys you will find on the market. It’s officially licensed by Mercedes and you can tell.
The Mercedes also comes with a remote control so you can take over if needed and will change up to 2 different speeds. This one is a little higher in price but goes the full 5 MPH, the lower priced ones usually go about 3 MPH.
It comes in 5 different colors red, grey, purple, white and black. They all look super nice. There are lights that come out of the bottom to give it that little bit of extra, it looks great. It has an MP3 Player and rubber floor mats.
You have to check out the reviews and videos people have posted over on Amazon, I think it’s going to be hard not to choose this ride on, if style is your priority!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Personally, I’m more into the trucks, but that’s a personal opinion and not a fault of any kind. It’s a little higher in price but you can get the Gray and White models for a little cheaper. Keep in mind with ride ons the lower you pay the less juice you get out of the batter and typically the slower it goes.
One person did complain of it coming with a faulty battery but that doesn’t seem to be much of a ongoing problem. Overall the reviews are super solid and it was hard to find anything really terribly wrong with this ride on car for your 3 year old boy.

Our #4 Pick
Best Choice Lamborghini Aventador 12V Ride On Car
What We Like
Just look at that, a Lambo! The Lambo is the mark of success, if your riding around in one of these you either have rich parents and a silver spoon or you have made it! The Lamborghini is definitely a statement vehicle.
You can get this Best Choice 12V Ride on Lamborghini in 4 different colors, red, green, black and white. I think I like the red the best! It has a super realistic design and looks great.
The Lambo also comes with a remote control to help the parent control the vehicle if needed. You can also connect your music and listen to MP3’s. This one also comes in 2 different speed options. Check out the video, reviews and price over on Amazon.
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
I’m not crazy about the top speed being at 3.7 MPH, this isn’t a deal breaker for most with a 3 year old boy but it’s nice when they go a little faster to help you son or daughter grow into it. It has fairly low clearance so you will probably want to keep this one on the roads, driveways and sidewalks.
Overall, a few people have complained about it not working on arrival but that seems to not be the norm, most reviewers are really happy with their purchase.

Our #5 Pick
2020 Two Seater Police Truck Ride On Car
What We Like
This might be the coolest ride on vehicle on this list. Three year old boys will absolutely love this ride on. One of my favorite features is that it goes up to 6 MPH, which is the fastest on the list. It does have 3 speed control so your 3 year old boy can grow into that 6 MPH.
This one also comes with the important remote control so you can safely control the vehicle as the parent. This one has so many different colors, I can’t even name them all. You can get different decal types as well. I’m showing you the police one but there is an Army style and a ton of different colors.
You can jam out to MP3’s on this one as well. There is a working horn and display lights you can turn on or off. The lights come out of the bottom and the rims. Honestly, you have to see this one, check out user videos, price and reviews over on Amazon!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Mostly the price, it’s a little more expensive but you do get the full 6 MPH out of it, which is why it’s a little pricier. Also, this one can be a hassle to assemble. It’s going to take a lot more time and will probably need 2 people to properly assemble.
I’ve seen a few minor gripes about some of the plastic on the build but nothing that was really consistent. It does seem like people have had kind of a hard time with customer service and getting new parts that were either missing or didn’t work.
Overall though, I would say it’s more than worth a shot.
Remote Control Car For A 3 Year Old Boy
Alright, I think we covered the ride on category, lets talk about remote control cars for your 3 year old boy. This can be a tricky purchase, much of it depends on your child’s current knowledge of operating a RC car.
Often times a remote control car will get your 3 year old toddler out of the house and playing outside! It teaches great hand eye coordination as they must learn to steer with two different buttons or joysticks. It also takes some thinking to understand how to reverse and get out of situations where they get stuck.
Remote control cars can be a great toy for a 3 year old boy, lets take a look at our Top 5 below!

Our #1 Pick
DEERC STEM RC Build Your Own Fire Tuck
What We Like
This STEM building kit is going to produce hours upon hours of fun and really is one of the best car toys for kids. Not only is this a remote control car but it’s also a vehicle you can take apart and put back together. It has large plastic nuts and a low powered drill so your 3 year olds can use power tools.
What’s not to like about this amazing car toy for a 3 year old boy. You will get a ton of problem solving while they are putting it together and taking a part. It’s also likely they will want to take it outside to play with it! There isn’t much not to like here.
It has realistic lights and sounds and comes with 2 action figures you can put in the vehicle. This is a great way to introduce RC cars to your 3 year old boy. There are other options as well, there is a sanitation vehicle, police car and you can even get multiple in kits. Check it out on Amazon below for price and user reviews!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Honestly, the price is right, it stimulates the brain and physical activity. I’m having a hard time finding anything wrong.
The only thing I’d consider is that these don’t go terribly fast. If your 3 year old boy has a lot of RC car experience then this might go to slow for them, but will still be awesome as a building toy. The RC element just might not be as exciting.
It definitely gets out seal of approval!

Our #2 Pick
Pretex Police Car & Race Car Set of 2
What We Like
The most attractive feature with this one is that you get 2 for basically the price of one. This is a great car toy for a 3 year old boy because you can have races. If they have a older sibling they can have a lot of fun racing these cars. It’s also neat because it gives you the chance to race and compete with your 3 year old! They are on different frequencies making this possible!
The race car and police car figures are removable and can be taken out and played with. The controllers are shaped like wheels and super easy to learn and use. This is important when considering for a 3 year old. Check out the videos, price and user reviews on Amazon below!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The biggest thing is probable the need of 5 AA batteries per vehicle. Your looking at 10 AA batteries up front and again every time they die. In all fairness the battery life on these is really good and should last a long time if not left on.
This is probably the biggest gripe, other than that these are a great car toy for 3 year old boys!

Our #3 Pick
Jellydog Remote Control Stunt Toy Car
What We Like
I had to make sure an include a stunt remote control toy car for a 3 year old boy on here. The stunt cars are a lot of fun and go a lot faster than my first 2 picks. This is more of a traditional RC car toy.
These are great because they are hard to get stuck. They can flip and just keep going. It can tumble and roll off a hill and land on it’s wheels and keep on moving. It makes it nice for a 3 year old boy.
The remote is more simple and made for younger hands. The controls are straightforward and should be easy for your 3 year old to learn. It also comes with 400mAh USB rechargeable batteries. It takes about 2 hours to change and you get about 12-18 minutes of play time. This is pretty standard for this type of remote control car. Click below to see price, reviews and videos on Amazon!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Some people did complain about this being a little hard for their little guy to figure out. I bought one just like this for my boy when he was 3 and it was hard for him to figure out. But I think that’s part of what makes it great, they are using their little brains to figure it out. I’m not sure if this is a complaint or more of a strength.
It’s smaller than you probably realize by looking at the ad. Which is actually okay, the smaller car zips around really nice. But keep in mind, this is not a large RC car, it’s pretty tiny. It’s only 8 x 5 x 2.5 inches.
Not a lot to complain about though, this is a great little RC Car!

Our #4 Pick
WomToy RC Stunt Car Toy
What We Like
This is a really cool little stunt car that is super easy for your 3 year old boy to figure out. The best part about this though is the price, right around $10.
The two spikes sticking out the back make it hard to tip over and allows you to do some really cool stunts. It has a cool 360 mode and just spins, which is fun for the boy. It can also stand on its back and spin and do tricks.
The remote also straps to your kids hand which makes it easy for them to keep a hold of and control. It works great indoors and outdoors! You can see some user videos, price and more photos over on Amazon, see below!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Again, batteries. This little car runs on 5 AAA batterins and can be a bit of a hassle to replace when they run dry. The nice thing though is that it will last a lot longer on a play without the rechargeable batteries.
It’s also really small at only 6.6 x 4.9 x 3.5 inches. Which can be unexpected when the ad is a little misleading. If you don’t mind it being a little small, this will be a great remote control car toy for a 3 year old boy!
Push Toy Cars For Kids And Toddlers
Sometimes you just want to push a toy car around. No remotes, no pedals no batters, just good old fashioned pushing and playing. This is what this section is all about!
Were going to go over some of the cool push cars and friction cars that are the best car toys for a 3 year old boy. We will go with small and large push toys. Ranging from police cars to dump trucks to helicopters!

Our #1 Pick
Friction Powered Push & Go Car Toys
What We Like
Friction powered cars are always a fun car toy for a 3 year old boy. They love to push the car and watch it take off under it’s owner power. It kind of has that RC element without any batteries or remote needed.
We often played friction car bowling with a little plastic bowling set like this one, click here for bowling set on Amazon. This would make for hours of fun!
There is a lot you can do with friction powered cars and I remember my little guy just loving his set that we got him. This is a great set and comes with 4 different cars that they will love.
These push friction cars to light up and require batters but the difference between them and RC cars is they still work even without the batteries! Check out the price, user reviews and more at Amazon below!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
I honestly don’t see much to not like about these push cars. I guess they can be a little noisy if that’s a problem for you. If you don’t mind the noise, these will be a great toy for a 3 year olds!

Our #2 Pick
Kids City Lift Playmate Large Carpet
What We Like
I really like this play mat for 3 year olds who like cars. It gives them a large area to use their imaginations. It’s definitely thicker than some of the other mats, which is nice. It’s well made and actually comfortable to sit and play on.
It does have an anti slide bottom which is also nice for playing on. I loved watching my kids slide their vehicles around on these play mats. You can just see their little minds working.
It doesn’t come with any vehicle but you can get a set here or you can try this set, both on Amazon to go along with the play mat. Both are only around $10.
You can also use your existing old remote control cars or even hot wheel style cars on this mat. I’m sure if your 3 year olds are toy car lovers than they probably have a few lying around! Check it out on Amazon below.
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
I really wish this mat came with a few toy cars for a 3 year old boys to play with. It’s not a huge deal as you can get a nice set for like $10, but it’s nice to get it all in one little set.
Other than that, not too much to complain about. What you see is what you get with this one!

Our #3 Pick
Gilobaby Take Apart Police Car STEM
What We Like
This is definitely one of the best car toys for 3 year olds. The great thing about these is that it promotes so much thinking and problem solving. Kids just naturally like putthing things together and taking them apart.
It also gives them a very simple introduction into using tools. They will be able to use a little screw driver and power drill. They can put together and take apart all 32 pieces. Most 3 year old boys will love this kind of toy.
It may take a bit for them to really learn how to do it, but this is a good opportunity for you to spend some time with your toddler. The process of learning how to take a part and put together this car toy is one of the biggest benefits in my opinion.
There are other options as well, you can get a firetruck, ambulance and a few others. Check out the price, options and reviews on Amazon below!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
There is honestly nothing to dislike here. This is just a really cool toy that your child will likely love. This one is a no brainer home run!

Our #4 Pick
LEGO Duplo My First Car Creations
What We Like
Mostly that it’s LEGO and they just come out with hit after hit. This little set is no different. These are perfect little LEGO car toy sets for 3 year olds. It allows them to fairly easily construct little LEGO cars that they can play with.
We really like how easy these little cars are to take apart and put back together. They are big enough and easy enough to put together for a 3 year old boy. These will also work really well on a car play mat.
You can also combine this little car set with the LEGO Duplo Tow Square, click to see on Amazon. Check out this incredible little set by clicking the link below, they have great photos and a video to see it in motion!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
Again, it’s hard to find anything not to like about this simple little set. This is one of the best car toy for a 3 year old boy.

Our #5 Pick
Construction Truck Toys Set
What We Like
This is a very simple set but straight to the point. It’s small die cast construction trucks that can be stored in a larger truck. These will go great on a play mat.
There are different options as well, you can get a fire truck, police truck, army truck and other cool options. There isn’t much to talk about here, just some neat hot wheel style die cast car toys for a 3 year old boy. Check out the price and more photos below on Amazon!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The vehicles are die cast and a little heavier and smaller than most other car toys for a 3 year olds. That’s really not a big deal though as this is a really fun little set.
Some people did complain that the moving parts on the die cast cars is plastic and they are prone to breaking. This wasn’t too big of a deal however and the customer service was great and good about replacing anything.

348 Piece Dinosaur Race Track Toy Set
What We Like
What do most 3 year old boys love more than cars? DINOSAURS! Someone had the great idea to combine the two and make a really cool dinosaur race car track. This set comes with a ton of pieces and the colors are fantastic!
It’s actually pretty big which is a huge plus as your 3 year old boy will love playing with it. The track does a great job of sticking together and the toys are well made. I also like that it’s flexible and can be used to make a bunch of different combinations of tracks.
It’s hard to tell by the video but the cars do actually move by themselves with battery power and will stay on the track and keep moving. I’m not big on batteries but each car operations on only 1 AA battery, so it’s not too bad.
This is a really cool car toy for a 3 year old boy, if they like cars and dinosaurs, this is a must have! Check out a video, price and reviews below on Amazon!
Click For Price, Reviews, Photos and Video On Amazon
The only thing I don’t like is the batteries. Batteries are always a hassle but at least they only need 1 AA battery each. Also, the track and dinosaurs don’t need batteries so even if your out of battery this set will still be played with!
Best Car Toy For A 3 Year Old Boy Accessories
Don’t make the mistake of buying the best car toy for a 3 year old boy and forgetting the needed accessories. Don’t worry, I have your back. Take a look at some of the things below you will want to make sure and get to go along with your car toy gift.
Rid On Toy Helmet

Don’t forget the helmet to go along with the ride on toys. It’s important especially for the bigger faster ride on toys. Click below to check out some really cool kids helmets on Amazon.
Elbow and Knee Pads

Protecting the head is important for sure but those elbows and knees can take a beating too. Make sure they are ready to go when they get their new ride on with a set of elbow and knee pads! Check them out on Amazon below.

Batteries may be the most annoying thing to have to have but you can always invest in a set of rechargeable batters to make your life a little easier. You can buy single use and rechargeable batters on Amazon below!
Considerations For Recommending Car Toys For 3 Year Olds
No matter what, I’m always a father first. I recommend these toys from the same father eyes I looked at when searching for toys for my own children. I can’t tell you how much time of my life I’ve spent searching for the best car toy for a 3 year old boy or other ages for that matter.
There are a few things I take strongly into considerations. Not all toys can check all these boxes but I always want the car toys to check of one or two before even considering them.
This one is kind of obvious but I want to include it anyway. Making sure car toys are safe is a major priority when picking out which toys to recommend. We always want to make sure that our children and playing with the highest quality and safest materials.
Is it suitable for your child’s age range?
Seems obvious, right? I don’t think it really is sometimes. I’ve seen countless lists recommending for a certain age only to realize that the toy wasn’t good for that age at all. I like to make sure that all of the car toys I recommend for 3 year olds will be great for 3 year olds.
Does it promote creativity?
This is a big one and it’s super important. Some people like to complain that a toy was too hard for their 3 year old boy to learn or use. I don’t think we give them enough credit, sometimes they just need time and a little patience. The process of learning how to use a toy is part of them expressing their learning and creativity. Some toys are better than others at this and it’s definitely important when recommending car toys.
Will it promote physical activity?
Will this car toy get my 3 year old boy outside and moving around? Yes? Sign me up! Anything I can recommend to pull your 3 year old away from a screen is a huge win in my book. If it get them outside then its a double bonus. Promoting physical activity and getting your 3 year old outside was a major factor with my recommendations.
Does it encourage learning?
Does the toy teach them anything? It doesn’t have to be math or spelling but does it promote them to learn a skill or problem solve? If so, this is also a car toy I really like recommending. We always want our children learning, if you can get them solving problems then the car toy is a win!
I really hope that I was able to help you pick out the best car toy for a 3 year old boy in 2020. I know the task can be difficult but I’m hoping this article was helpful for you! If it was, please share on social media and wherever else you want, this really helps me out!
Finding the perfect car toy for 3 year olds in 2020 isn’t always the easiest task as there are so many different kinds of toy cars out there. I spent so much time researching this for you, I hope it made your shopping a little easier. I wish you the best luck finding the best car toys for kids!