Baby Yoda Facts For Kids – Fun Facts About Baby Yoda

Baby Yoda Facts For Kids

Fun Facts About Baby Yoda For Kids

Thanks for stopping by to check out some fun Baby Yoda facts for kids. We are going to take a look at what we know about Baby Yoda and hopefully some fun facts about Baby Yoda. So far, we don’t know a ton, but there are some really fun Baby Yoda facts floating around. Let’s jump in!

baby yoda facts for kids

Baby Yoda Facts For Kids

Keep in mind, we don’t know a ton about Baby Yoda right now, but I think the show will reveal more as time goes on. This page will be updated as we learn more Baby Yoda facts for kids.

Baby Yoda has take the world by storm. If you have the internet you have no doubt seen this little guy floating around social media and websites. Even if you don’t watch the new Disney+ exclusive show “The Mandalorian” you have probably seen Baby Yoda’s adorable little face. Whether you are a Star Wars fan or not, it’s hard to ignore how cute and marketable this little critter is. Yoda has always been a fan favorite in the Star Wars Universe, Baby Yoda just adds to that mystique.

Cool Baby Yoda Merch

Check out some cool Baby Yoda merch below!

Lets take a look at some fun facts about Baby Yoda.

Baby Yoda “The Child” Facts For Kids

♦ The first and probably most important fact about Baby Yoda is probably the most confusing. Baby Yoda is not actually Yoda. The timeline doesn’t allow this to work. Yoda has already passed away when you look at the official canon timeline. Baby Yoda is named Baby Yoda but it’s just a place holder until we find out more. The show actually refers to Baby Yoda as “The Child”.fun baby yoda facts

♦ Baby Yoda is actually 50 years old. It looks like an infant and seems to be young, but we don’t know how it’s species ages. We do know that Yoda was 900 years old when he died so this species at 50 years old could still be in an infant like stage.

♦ Somehow Baby Yoda does have some kind of connection with the force. His force abilities so far aren’t terribly powerful but baby Yoda was able to lift a large animal but passed out soon after using the power indicating that he is still rather weak. We do not know if his relationship to the force is based on his species automatically having it or if he has been taught by someone.

♦ Baby Yoda is only the 3rd of his species in canon. The other two are Yoda who probably doesn’t need much of an introduction. But you may not be as familiar with Yaddle. Yaddle sat on the Jedi council for 100 years before getting an off screen death between Episodes I &II. Yaddle is a female version of the species.

Fun Baby Yoda Facts Video

Fun Baby Yoda Facts Conclusion

baby yoda facts

Those are all the Baby Yoda facts for kids that we know right now. I’m sure as the Mandalorian moves along we will learn some more fun facts about Baby Yoda. As we learn more I will make sure and update the facts section of this page.

Keep checking back for fun Baby Yoda Facts For Kids!



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