Air Pollution Facts For Kids Interesting Facts About Air Polution

pictures of air pollution

Air Pollution Facts For Kids

Interesting Facts About Air Pollution For Kids

Earth, it’s our home. It amazes me how little people care about the place we call home. I wanted to take some time to educated and show some amazing air pollutions facts for kids. Some people choose to ignore the problem we have because they know their time here on Earth is short. What about your kids, your kids kids and so on and so forth. Don’t we care about the planets future. Some of these facts about air pollution for kids are pretty scary, I think that you will agree. So sit back, and take in this information. It’s very important that you know the facts!

Air Pollution Facts For Kids

Amazing Facts About Air Pollution For Kids

interesting air pollution facts for kidsLet’s get started with this article about air pollution facts for kids with the definition of air pollution.

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Air Pollution Definition – The introduction of chemicals, biological materials, or particulate matter that can cause serious harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damage the natural environment into the atmosphere.

The Earth is completely surrounded or blanketed by something we call the atmosphere. The atmosphere helps protect Earth. Our atmosphere is extremely important and vital to us as human being sustaining life on Earth. It protects us from the sun’s hot harsh heat rays, and protects us from extremely cold temperatures at night. Without it, Earth would be too hot during the day and too cold during the night for us to live.

Anything that get’s introduced into the air, whether it be by humans or natural causes

Sounds pretty  harsh doesn’t it? Hard to imagine that we as people inhabiting this beautiful place would cause harm like this knowingly and still not choose to stop.

Air Pollution Facts For Kids

What Causes Air Pollution?

The air can be polluted by both natural occurring events and by human actions. When looking at natural events you can think of things like, forest fires, volcanoes, pollen, natural radioactivity. These all cause air pollution but they are not all that common and Earth has no problem recovering from them they are so far and few between.

Here are some examples of human air pollution.

Burning Fossil Fuels

We are at a point in time where humans rely heavily on transportation. Right after the industrial age, transportation soon became a very important part of human lives. Imagine airplanes, large boats, large trucks, trains, cars/trucks and even vehicles used for recreation. This is a major but very hard manage form of pollution. Automobile engines include both secondary and primary pollutants. Not only do we need to transport ourselves, but look at all the things being transported to us, and to stores around the world all the time.air pollution facts for kids

You can find dangerous gases in fumes from a vehicle. Some are, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons, particulates and carbon monoxide. These gases can be very dangerous to people on their own if inhaled.  This is one of the reasons that electric vehicles and different energy sources are being tested and implemented around the world.

Industrial and Manufacturing Emissions

You may have seen these in your towns or cities where you live. They are large buildings sending lot’s of nasty looking smoke into the air. The air is usually being released by large chimneys or tubes coming out of the top of the structure. If you live in a populated area, it’s almost certain that you have these around somewhere. They emit carbon monoxide, organic compounds and chemicals into the air.

 Farming And Household Chemicals

There are several activities at your home or at farms that could be causing air pollution. You by yourself aren’t causing that much harm, but when you combine it with millions of other people around our country, billions around the world, it becomes a problem. Activities such as, fumigating homes, household cleaning products, painting supplies, pesticides, crop dusting, fertilizers dust can all emit chemicals into the air that are harmful. Often times if we  use any of these in a closed area with no ventilation, we can become very ill.

facts about air pollution for kids

Important Facts About Air Pollution For Kids

Air Pollution Facts For Kids

Now that you have a better understanding of what air pollution actually is and what causes it, it’s time for some interesting and powerful facts. It’s important to know this information, it will help you make better decisions about what you put into your breathing air.

Air Pollution Facts For Kids


♦ If you don’t think clean air is important, think again. We breath in about 20,000 liters of air each day. All that air is cycling through our lungs. If it’s polluted, it’s not doing good.

♦ Air pollution is not just outside. If you are in a room that has second hand tobacco smoke and other kinds of smoking is considered indoor air pollution.

♦ There is a health condition called sick building syndrome, when pesticides and insecticides are used in offices and homes, this can occur.air pollution and smog photos

♦ 4000 people lost their lives in 1952 because of the great “Smog Disaster” in London. This was caused because of a high concentration of air pollution.

♦ Children are smaller, breath more and spend more time outside. This makes them much more vulnerable to air pollution than adults.

♦ If you combined all the contaminants that are released into the land, ground water and water it would not be as much as is released into the air.

♦ Motor vehicles are the biggest threat to air pollution. It’s the biggest causer of air pollution. This can be changed, one commuter bus can save up to forty cars driving around.

♦ 60% of all carbon monoxide emissions nationwide are attributed to motor vehicles and up to 95% in cities.

♦ Indoor air pollution has been attributed with 2 million people losing their lives prematurely each year.

♦ Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disease (COPD) is developed due to indoor air pollution to more than 1 million people each year.

♦ Whether you are male or female you can 3 times as likely to get COPD when exposed to heavy indoor smoke.

♦ Gases and particles are the forms in which air pollutants exist.

Air Pollution Fact Sheet

Cool Fact Sheet All About Air Pollution

amazing air pollution facts for kids

Air Pollution Facts For Kids

Some Things About Air Pollution



Facts About Air Pollution

How Can I Help With Air Pollution?

  • Make sure that you and encourage your family to consider commuting. The less vehicles that we have on the road the less carbon monoxide we are sending into our air. This can make a really big difference!
  • Try to be more conservative on using energy (kettle, water, boiler, light and fire woods). Many fossil fuels are burned to generate the power to use these different things. If we can cut down on the use of these things, then we will reduce the burring of fossil fuels. Making our air cleaner!
  • One of the best ways to minimize the need of producing new things is to recycle and re-use! One of the bigger pollutants is large manufacturing industries. If we are constantly buying new things, we are upping the demand to create more new things. Using our old things, and recycling will reduce the need to use these large factories that produce so much bad things for our air.

Air Pollution Facts For Kids

Great Educational Video About Air Pollution
This is a great video to help educate yourself about air pollution. Please, make sure to watch. It’s so important that people understand the damage we are doing.
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Amazing Air Pollution Facts For Kids

Air Pollution Facts Conclusion

Air pollution is a real problem. It’s important for our kids to understand and know how to prevent it. If we really want a future on this beautiful planet we call home, we are going to need to take better care of it. Education is so important in that process. If people do not understand the dire consequences to doing nothing about this problem, then it will never go away. We need to start considering our future, and not just the present. I’m hopeful that this article has helped create a little awareness about air pollution. If I could just educate 1 person, and that person goes on to educate a couple more, then I’m happy that I put it out there. Thank you so much for stopping by and making the effort to understand a serious problem. I applaud you, now go out and share your knowledge with the world!

Earth day is coming up! Check out the article we wrote that has some cool earth day facts!

Earth Day Facts For Kids. <—– CLICK THERE

Air Pollution Facts For Kids.


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