2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids
Guide For Buying Video Games In 2014
Just a quick heads up before we begin. This 2014 holiday video game buying guide for kids will cover the systems not just for the living room, but also handhelds. I will also show you the top games at the end of the article. There should be something here for everyone!
If you are looking for more holiday buying guides, click here!
So your kid likes video games and you want to make the right purchase in 2014. I’m not gonna lie, this is a hard year for parents trying to decide which video game is right for their kids. There are many many options on the market right now, and I’m not just talking about games. There are numerous systems out there available for your kids as well. I’m here to help you decide which system makes the most sense for your child and family. Hopefully when you walk away from here you know not just what game to get, but what system makes the most sense as well. Let’s get started with systems.
2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids
Which Video Game System Should I Get For My Kid
Last year around Christmas time, both Microsoft and Sony released their new systems. The Xbox One and the Playstation 4. From here on out I will refer to them as the XB1 and PS4. Let’s start with these two, as they are the most wanted and popular right now.
Playstation 4 (PS4)
The PS4 is the most successful system on the market right now, and seems to be the most liked among the video game community. It’s just a hair more powerful than the Xbox One and has some great exclusive games. It is $399 for the system with no game, but has some great bundles available to get a game with the system for a little more. It’s a very powerful device also capable of playing Blu Rays and has plenty of media apps like Netflix and Hulu. It can act as a very functional media center along with being an excellent video game system. It has some of the best exclusives on the market like the Uncharted Series, Last Of Us and Little Big Planet. Something that can appeal to all ages. You really can’t go wrong with the PS4, check out more at the links below!
Click here for consumer reviews and prices on different bundles!
Xbox One (XB1)
The Xbox one has gone through some changes for the good of the consumer in the last several months. They initially were not going to make it possible to use this system without the Kinect. They have recently changed that decision and made a kinectless model of the system and dropped its price to match Sony’s PS4. This is a very good thing, especially if you weren’t really in the market for the kinect. But, with that being said, the kinect is one of the things that make this system stand apart. If you have younger kids in your household, they are going to love what the motion sensor has to offer. They will be able to play many games with the motion of their body, and the tech behind this has improved immensely since the Xbox 360. The dance and sports game have great response to movement with almost no lag, making the games much more immersive. The Xb1 will also play blu rays and deliver most of the same media apps as the PS4, making it a just as effective media center. The option of getting it with or without the Kinect is huge, and should help it compete with the PS4. It has some great exclusive titles like the Halo series, Titanfall and many others!
Click here for consumer reviews and prices on different bundles!
2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids
Let’s take a look at the older systems.
What’s the best thing about the new systems coming out? The old systems are more affordable than they ever have been before! This is one of the best times to own an old system, most games being made for the new systems are still being made for the old ones. Destiny is a great example of this, it’s a massive game right now, but it’s out for basically every console. Let’s take a look at those old consoles!
Playstation 3
The PS3 had an amazing run. It has turned out some of the best games ever to exist. Here’s looking at the Uncharted games along with what many consider the best video game ever made, The Last Of Us. You can get a PS3 for around $200, which is an amazing deal considering it has never really gone for under $300 in the past. The games are also much more affordable, you can land just about any game on the PS3 for $20 or less! The PS3 has a blu ray player and enough media apps to make it a formidable media player. Check it out below.
Check out the PS3 bundles and consumer reviews!
Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 also had an amazing run and is one of the best selling systems of all time! The kinect sensor made it a must have for family fun in the living room. Playing dancing games has never been this fun! It also has some great exclusive games that make it well worth it. You can play the Halo series, Forza series and Gears of War. If family time with some kinect sports is you thing, or some great multiplayer matches on Call of Duty or Halo is more your thing the Xbox 360 has what you need. Check more out below!
Click here for user reviews and bundles prices for Xbox 360!
Wii U
The Wii U has struggled a little bit leading up to this point. The original Wii system was around for a long time, but did not boast the same HD graphics the other two newer systems did. The Wii U was an answer to this problem, but it came out after the PS3 and Xbox 360 were off and running. Luckily for Nintendo it comes packed with some amazing exclusives that help sell systems. You have games that have been around for ages, that everyone love to play! Games like Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Super Smash Brothers and Pikiman. Click below to check out more on the Wii U.
Click here to see bundle options and reviews of the Wii U.
What Handheld Video Game System Is Best?
2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids
Now that I have covered some of the main systems, let’s talk about the handhelds. There are really 2 that are competing right now, but I would like to go over both of them. Both offer unique and incredible experiences for gaming on the go.
Nintendo 3DS
As of right now, there is no better system to get for a handheld. It’s not technically the most advanced, but it hands down has the best games. There are so many fun games to get on this handheld, you can keep a child or adult busy for hours upon hours. There are some great game bundles you can get your hands on as well for a pretty reasonable price. Check out the games and Nintendo 3ds Bundles available below!
Click here for Nintendo 3DS games and bundles available!
Playstation VITA
The Playstation VITA is definitely more of an adult targeted hand held. It’s main goal is to provide a PS3 console experience in the palm of your hand, and it has done a great job doing that. The graphics on this handheld are right on par with the PS3 system, which is a pretty amazing accomplishment. It has some great exclusives, like an Uncharted game designed just for the VITA. It also has a God of War designed just for it. Check out the bundles available and some of the games below!
Click here for some of the great games and bundle options for the PS VITA.
2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids
How about the games!
Let’s take a look at some of the best games out right now, on all the consoles. Please, click the photo of any game to be taken to see the price and reviews!
Destiny (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3)
Disney Infinity Marvel Super Heroes (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U)
FIFA 15 (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One, Xbox 360)
Skylanders Trap Team (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, 3DS, Wii U, Wii)
Alien Isolation (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Dragon Age Inquisition (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Evolve (PS4, PC, Xbox One)
Far Cry 4 (PS4, XB1, Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Little Big Planet 3 (PS3, PS4)
2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids
Video Game Buying Guide 2014 Conclusion
Thank you so much for stopping by. I know video games can be a bit overwhelming with all the options out there. I hope that you were able to walk away today being a little more clear on what you want to do. Click the links above for detailed and informative descriptions of games and systems. And good luck with your Holiday 2014 video game buying!
2014 Holiday Video Game Buying Guide For Kids