Fun Facts For Kids – Cool Facts For Kids

Interesting Fun Facts For Kids

You must be here because you’re searching for some fun facts for kids! Ever since I was a kid, I have had a true passion for interesting and fun facts. On cool facts for kids, we aim to stimulate the minds of children and make them say, WOW! To learn more about why my daughter and I started this website, visit the About Us Page!

I always love the look on my daughter and son’s face when I share a new cool fun fact with them. Sometimes the facts don’t quite hit the trigger I’m looking for, but sometimes you see that imagine and wonder on their face that makes it worth it. The goal of cool facts for kids is to get that look from your kids as they search our site.

Check out any of the cool fact categories below! We are constantly adding more fun facts for kids, so please book mark us and check back! You can also read more about how this project was started below the categories!

animals facts for kids

Animal Facts For Kids

Check out these interesting and fun facts about animals. There is an entire world to explore out there that is full of incredible animals. If you want to see some really interesting and fun facts for kids all about animals, this is the place for you!

insects facts for kids

Insects Facts For Kids

Check out these interesting and fun facts about insects. They inhabit a much smaller world than ours but smaller doesn’t mean boring. There is so much going on with this mini creatures. Come explore all the incredible insect facts for kids!

historical events facts for kids

Historical Evens For Kids

Whether its the titanic sinking or learning about the interesting Mayan civilization, we have some fun historical facts for kids. Our world history is filled with amazing stories and accounts. Come take a journey and learn more about our history!

geography facts for kids

Geography Facts For Kids

I know when I was young I wanted to travel the world. Let take you to places all over the world! Check out these amazing fun facts all about places around out world. See Hawaii, Italy or the Great Wall of China and much more!

science facts for kids

Science Facts For Kids

Check out some really fun facts for kids all about science. It’s so important to understand the process used for science. Come with us while explore different science methods. There is bound to be some really cool stuff along the way!

outer space facts for kids

Outer Space Facts For Kids

Exploring the cosmos is full of wonder and adventures. Check out some really fun and interesting outer space facts for kids. Explore the moon, Neptune and much more! You will never get bored learning these interesting facts about space!

dinosaur facts for kids

Dinosaur Facts For Kids

Dinosaurs used to rule this world. They are fascinating animals and we are learning more about them all the time. Come learn something about the Triceratops or maybe the Megalodon. Check out these interesting and fun dinosaur facts for kids!

plants facts for kids

Plants Facts For Kids

Plants can be so fascinating. Check out the venus fly trap one of the coolest carnivorous plants. Or you can see one of the other plants we highlight in our plants facts for kids section. They do provide our oxygen! Fun and interesting plant facts!

sports facts for kids

Sports Facts For Kids

Sports are beloved all over the world. Whether you are a basketball, football or futbol (soccer) fan, we probably have something you will like! Jump on the field or take the court and check out some of these interesting and fun sports facts!

people facts for kids

People Facts For Kids

We have a lot of fascinating people throughout history. We do our best to bring you cool facts from historical figures like Abraham Lincoln to fantasy people like Iron Man. These people facts for kids will be a lot of fun!

Cool Fun Facts For Kids That Will Stun And Amaze!

Cool facts for kids started out as a project for me to teach my daughter about web design and writing. She has a huge passion for interesting and fun facts and was excited to share them with other kids. At the time I am writing this, my daughter lays down in her bed too excited to sleep, knowing that she is going to get to write her first article for the site tomorrow.

My daughter Cailyn and I welcome you to cool facts for kids with very open arms. We really hope that you enjoy everything the site has to offer. Please, enjoy the cool facts for kids above and feel free to navigate around as you see something that sparks your interest.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for us to add to the site, please click on the contact us form at the top of the page. We will consider all submissions and would love to have your input when coming up with new ideas to add to the site. We look forward to learning and exploring new ideas with you in the future!

Enjoy the random cool facts for kids below!

Cool Facts For Kids

It’s Getting Hot, Hot, Hot

The temperature of the sun’s surface is around 5500 Celsius or 9941 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not the type of weather you want to work on your tan in! From the sun to to earth, it’s about 150 million kilometers!

Dolphin! Or Wolf?

Did you know that dolphins evolved from land animals? 50 million years ago the ancestor to the dolphin looked a lot like a wolf. It used shallow waters as it’s hunting grounds and slowly over time adapted to life in water.  It’s front legs turned into flippers and back legs disappeared all together. It’s nostrils moved to the top of it’s head and the fur went away all together.

Write This Down

A normal sized tree has enough wood to make 170,000 pencils!

Alive And Kicking

There are flowering shrubs in the Mojave Desert called creosote bushes that are considered the oldest thing on earth that is still alive. They are over 12,000 years old!

Now That’s Fast!

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal and can run up to 46 miles an hour (76 kilometers per hour). That is unbelievably fast! The fastest recorded human ran 18 miles an hour (30 kilometers per hour), and that was a very fast person.

Can’t Beat That

The human heart beats about 100,000 times in a typical day, and about 36,500,000 in a year. Once you reach 30 ears of age your heart has beat around a billion (1,000,000,000) times!

Better Grab A Shovel

In one year between February 19, 1971 and February 18, 1972 there was 1224 inches (102 feet, 31.1 meters. This happened at Mount Rainier in Washington St in the United States. That’s about as deep as a normal 10 story building!

Looks Can Be Deceiving

When you look at the moon it would appear that it has been beat up more than the earth. It looks to have more craters and blemishes from being hit by space debris. The truth is, the earth also has all those scars, but it’s ability to reform it’s surface and grow over them cover this appearance up.  There are plans growing, wind blowing, earthquakes, erosion and rainfall. All these things help change the appearance of the earths surface, the moon does not have all this activity. With the moon, what you see is what you get!

Dinosaurs Rule

There was a period of over 160 million years that the dinosaurs ruled the planet. They thrived from the Triassic period which was around 230 million years ago all the way through the Jurassic period and went extinct during the end of the Cretaceous period about 65 million years ago. That’s a long time for Dino’s to live considering humans have only been around for 200,000 years, based on our discovery of the earliest fossil evidence of modern human beings.

How Big Is that Flower?

There is a plant called Rafflesia Arnoldii that produces the largest individual flower known on earth. The diameter of these flowers can reach up to 3 feet (1 meter) and weigh around 22 pounds (10kg).

Talk About A Light Weight

A person weighing 220 pounds (100kg) on earth would only weight 84 pounds (38kg) on Mars. This is due to Mars having less gravity than earth. If you really want to lose some weight, just move to Mars!

Big And Strong

Gorillas, belonging to a family of animals that include humans, apes and monkeys are the largest living primates. Weighing in at between 300-500 pounds a mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and have an arm span of over 8 feet wide! Gorilla’s are also super strong, they have the strength of 4-8 powerful human men. The gorilla females are about half the size and strength of the males.

Fun Facts For Kids Video

Check out the video I made with some of the most amazing fun facts you will ever hear!

Cool Facts For Kids Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed these random facts for kids! Please, feel free to navigate around our site and enjoy all the fun and cool facts that we have compiled and put together for your viewing enjoyment. Don’t forget to send us requests through the contact us page on the fun facts for kids you would like to see us write about!