The Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids
Fun Facts About The Great Wall Of China
Thank you so much for checking in to cool facts for kids! Today we are going to be talking going over The Great Wall Of China facts for kids. I have always wanted to visit the The Great Wall Of China and will definitely make a point to do so some day. When I started doing research on this amazing feat, I was blown away by just how big it actually is. I knew it was a large structure, but had no idea it was as large or long as it was. It truly is a wonder that something so big was put together over a span of so much time. I’m very excited to bring you some fun facts about The Great Wall Of China today!
The Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids
Fun Facts About The Great Wall Of China
Before I jump into some amazing Great Wall Of China facts for kids, I wanted to do a little Q and A to answer some of those more common questions. Let’s go ahead and take a look!
Where is the Great Wall Of China located?
Well, the obvious answer here is China. However, more specifically it’s located on the norther part of China. It stretches from the Shan-Hai pass of the Hebei Province all the way to the Jia-yu Pass of Gansu Province. Here is a map showing it’s expanse. Click on the map to make it bigger, some if it’s hard to read at it’s small size.
How long is the Great Wall Of China?
This is not really an easy question to answer in one number. There were many different dynasties that worked on the Great Wall Of China. It’s not all completely connected so it makes determining a length a little difficult. Some of the remaining pieces of the wall are in very remote and hard to reach locations. The estimated overall size of the Great Wall Of China is around 5500 miles long or 8851 km.
When was the Great Wall Of China built?
Again, not easy to answer with one time frame. We have to look at several different time periods and dynasties. Originally it was thought to have begun around 771-475 BC and was connected by the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang from 475-221 BC. Although others had different policies to defense for China there were more dynasties that built and worked on the wall. The Han (202-220 AD) the Norther Qi (550-574 AD) the Sui (589-618 AD) and particularly the Ming (1369-1644). The short answer would be… A long time ago.
Why was the Great Wall Of China built?
We could get into some very lengthy specific behind why this wall was built, but the short answer was simply for defense. It provided a outlook and defend-able wall that stretched for many miles. There were a lot more specifics as to why it was built, but it always came down to defense.
Fun Facts About The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids
Alright, this is what you have been waiting for! Here is where we go over the Great Wall Of China facts for kids. Some of these are just simply amazing! Let’s take a look!
♦ The Great Wall Of China is actually not one big wall, it’s many different sections of wall that was created over different time periods by different dynasties.
♦ The whole reason for building the wall was to defend themselves from an invasion from the north.
♦ If you measure every section of the wall, not just it’s length, but all the sections it’s around 13,677 miles of total wall.
♦ The Great Wall Of China is the largest structure ever built by humans.
♦ The highest the wall get’s is around 26 feet high.
♦ The widest the wall get’s is around 30 feet wide.
♦ The beginning construction of the wall began over 2000 years ago.
♦ During the Ming dynasty there was major rebuilding of the Great Wall Of China. This occurred during the 14th century and building efforts worked good because of how much stone work had evolved.
♦ Earlier parts of the wall were constructed from compacted dirt, wood and stone.
♦ There is part of the wall that is close to Beijing that was constructed during the Ming dynasty. This is the area that tourists visit and you commonly see in photos.
♦ You may have heard the rumor that you can see the Great Wall Of China from outer space, but this is actually not true.
♦Some parts of the wall are preserved and kept up, but other parts have been vandalized or destroyed for new construction.
♦ In 1987 the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO) placed the Great Wall on the list of important historical sites.
♦ The Great Wall Of China is not on the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. It’s typically considered on the 7 wonders of the medieval world.
♦ It’s reported that over 1 million people have lost their lives constructing the great wall. It used to be called the long cemetery.
♦ The Chinese invented the wheel barrel while building the great wall of China. And they got their use out of them.
♦ Numerous temples were built along the great wall so that they could worship their god of war Guandi.
♦ About 50 million people visit the Great Wall annually.
The Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids
Check out some really cool Wall Of China Merchandise.
Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids
The Great Wall Of China Video For Kids
Here is a really cool video that shows someone traveling to the Great Wall Of China and showing some of the different areas. You will learn a ton and get to see some video of the actual wall. Check it out if you have the time!
[iframe: src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”315″ scrolling=”no”]
Fun Facts About The Great Wall Of China
Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids Conclusion
Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope that you found this amazing peice of Chinese history fascinating and amazing like I do. It’s definitely one of the most amazing feats in human history. The amount of time, man power and devotion that went into creating such an awesome structure is just baffling. It’s hard to even think about it when you know all the time that was devoted to it. I hope you walk away today with more knowledge about the Great Wall Of China than when you arrived. Hopefully these Great Wall Of China facts for kids were worth your time.
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The Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids
I never knew that you could not see the great wall of china from space!